Wednesday, June 24, 2009

WTF is a CSA?

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, basically you support a small, diverse, usually organic farm, and in return they give you a box of delicious produce every week during the growing season.

Small family farms can't compete with the huge industrial farms growing massive monoculture crops. This is a way to keep most of the food industry out of your wallet(cuts the supply chain into two parts, people growing food and then you eating food).

The foods are usually local, often organic(depending on the farmer) and usually more genetically diverse then the mass produced foods, relying on seed stock and heirloom varietals.

This is my quest, as a carnivorous male, having grown up on Taco Bell and Happy Wok; what can I do with a 10lb box of assorted organic fruits and vegetables a week? Each week I'll have a new list of ingredients depending on what was picked from the farm (ahem) the night before (thats... awesome) and I will cook the shit out of them. Thats right people, shitless vegetables.